Daily Usenet report for news.nobody.at

Apr 14 04:15:01 -- Apr 15 04:15:01

Unknown entries from news log file:

First 2 / 2 lines (100.0%)
Apr 14 22:01:07 news pgpverify[16030]: pgpverify: verification failed
Apr 14 22:01:07 news controlchan[22355]: skipping checkgroups newgroups-request@fido7.ru(pgpverify failed) in <1239739260.68383@fido7.ru>

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 298657 95.1%64.4 MB 96.8%
innd 8494 2.7%982.4 KB 1.4%
innfeed 6713 2.1%1.2 MB 1.8%
nnrpd 18 0.0%1.9 KB 0.0%
controlchan 2 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
pgpverify 1 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 6 313885 100.0%66.5 MB100.0%

Control commands to INND:

flush 1
flushlogs 1
paused 2
reload 2
TOTAL: 4 6

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1nobody-at-out.feeder.erje.net 576 128443 52673 54441 21329 41%47:28:23
2texta.sil.at 608 171049 49798 120374 877 29%74:57:46
3news-out.glorb.com 45 287244 44832 223545 18867 15%47:24:43
4feeders.tudelft.nl 288 172946 20110 140951 11885 11%23:45:23
5nobody-out.news.weretis.net 5 271237 7810 259532 3895 2%51:37:38
6newsfeed.neva.ru 147 353753 6744 345534 1475 1%71:50:09
7nobody-out.newsfeed.netcologne.de 159 100827 5935 92626 2266 5%12:50:02
8newsfeed.straub-nv.de 2 104649 5330 96032 3287 5%24:31:33
9feeder.news-service.com 288 145338 4029 138357 2952 2%23:45:14
10de-l.enfer-du-nord.net 6 99166 3036 94378 1752 3%21:15:35
11195.114.241.69 288 140491 2936 135916 1639 2%23:44:56
12feeder.motzarella.org 1 96473 2737 92427 1309 2%23:43:34
13news.albasani.net 2 121658 2389 117588 1681 1%24:50:30
14news.swapon.de 1 6721 488 5966 267 7%23:59:06
15trust.nobody.at 10 57839 422 57345 72 0%24:14:29
16localhost 25 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
17reflex.at 9 0 0 0 0 0%00:05:47
TOTAL: 17 2460 2257834 2092691975012 73553 9%520:04:48

Incoming Volume (INN):

1texta.sil.at16.1 GB254.1 KB16.1 GB 99%333.5 KB74:57:46
2feeders.tudelft.nl1.3 GB9.2 MB1.3 GB 99%41.4 KB23:45:23
3feeder.news-service.com327.9 MB1.7 MB329.6 MB 99%48.4 KB23:45:14
4news-out.glorb.com187.0 MB29.8 MB216.8 MB 86%3.5 KB47:24:43
5trust.nobody.at83.1 MB1.1 MB84.2 MB 98%174.6 KB24:14:29
6nobody-at-out.feeder.erje.net82.6 MB27.4 MB109.9 MB 75%1.5 KB47:28:23
7nobody-out.news.weretis.net68.0 MB4.5 MB72.5 MB 93%6.3 KB51:37:38
8195.114.241.6947.7 MB1.7 MB49.4 MB 96%11.1 KB23:44:56
9newsfeed.straub-nv.de19.9 MB4.4 MB24.3 MB 81%2.9 KB24:31:33
10newsfeed.neva.ru14.9 MB1.7 MB16.6 MB 89%2.1 KB71:50:09
11de-l.enfer-du-nord.net12.7 MB2.6 MB15.4 MB 82%3.3 KB21:15:35
12nobody-out.newsfeed.netcologne.de10.6 MB3.0 MB13.5 MB 78%1.7 KB12:50:02
13news.albasani.net8.6 MB2.3 MB10.9 MB 78%2.7 KB24:50:30
14feeder.motzarella.org7.8 MB2.0 MB9.8 MB 79%2.5 KB23:43:34
15news.swapon.de1.3 MB394.4 KB1.6 MB 76%2.2 KB23:59:06
16localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%000:00:00
17reflex.at0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%000:05:47
TOTAL: 1718.2 GB92.1 MB18.3 GB 99%67.9 KB520:04:48

Incoming articles:

Apr 14 04:15:01 - 04:59:59 5535 2.5% 2.05746.2 MB 3.4% 283.10
Apr 14 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 6222 2.8% 1.73958.7 MB 4.3% 272.70
Apr 14 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 7818 3.6% 2.171.1 GB 4.9% 310.30
Apr 14 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 4543 2.1% 1.26297.1 MB 1.3% 84.52
Apr 14 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 5486 2.5% 1.52490.0 MB 2.2% 139.39
Apr 14 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 5934 2.7% 1.65244.4 MB 1.1% 69.53
Apr 14 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 5760 2.6% 1.60310.5 MB 1.4% 88.33
Apr 14 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 8965 4.1% 2.491.2 GB 5.6% 350.86
Apr 14 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 7843 3.6% 2.18498.6 MB 2.3% 141.82
Apr 14 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 8941 4.1% 2.48759.9 MB 3.4% 216.14
Apr 14 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 8145 3.7% 2.26423.1 MB 1.9% 120.34
Apr 14 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 12894 5.9% 3.581.1 GB 5.0% 313.13
Apr 14 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 8934 4.1% 2.48241.5 MB 1.1% 68.69
Apr 14 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 11919 5.5% 3.311.3 GB 6.2% 387.24
Apr 14 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 10118 4.6% 2.81688.1 MB 3.1% 195.71
Apr 14 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 9419 4.3% 2.62472.3 MB 2.1% 134.34
Apr 14 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 10235 4.7% 2.84861.9 MB 3.9% 245.18
Apr 14 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 10128 4.6% 2.81906.6 MB 4.1% 257.86
Apr 14 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 12708 5.8% 3.531.9 GB 8.9% 559.82
Apr 14 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 11464 5.2% 3.181.5 GB 7.1% 448.84
Apr 15 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 10192 4.7% 2.83870.4 MB 3.9% 247.57
Apr 15 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 12620 5.8% 3.511.8 GB 8.6% 538.61
Apr 15 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 9290 4.2% 2.581.8 GB 8.2% 518.46
Apr 15 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 12214 5.6% 3.391.2 GB 5.6% 351.92
Apr 15 04:00:00 - 04:15:01 1266 0.6% 1.4179.8 MB 0.4% 90.66
TOTAL: 24:00:00 218593 100.0% 2.5321.6 GB 100.0% 262.34

Sites sending bad articles:

1nobody-at-out.feeder.erje.net 21519 1448 5 19617 4 0 0 0 445
2news-out.glorb.com 19686 561 0 18667 0 0 0 0 458
3feeders.tudelft.nl 11757 6035 38 5508 24 0 0 0 152
4newsfeed.straub-nv.de 4586 259 0 4299 0 0 0 0 28
5nobody-out.news.weretis.net 3678 546 0 3110 0 0 0 0 22
6feeder.news-service.com 2935 1897 19 982 4 0 0 0 33
7de-l.enfer-du-nord.net 2769 246 0 2514 0 0 0 0 9
8nobody-out.newsfeed.netcologne.de 2262 255 0 1940 21 0 0 0 46
9news.albasani.net 1752 44 0 1702 0 0 0 0 6
10195.114.241.69 1616 440 59 1089 6 0 0 0 22
11newsfeed.neva.ru 1532 266 0 1196 0 0 0 0 70
12feeder.motzarella.org 1530 14 0 1512 0 0 0 0 4
13texta.sil.at 356 256 0 97 0 0 0 0 3
14news.swapon.de 304 0 0 271 0 0 0 0 33
15trust.nobody.at 36 2 0 34 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 15 76318 12269 121 62538 59 0 0 0 1331

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

a.b.warez 838
alt.fan.chris 788
szaf.newsticker 604
a.b.s.audiobooks 364
aus.sex.incest 355
a.b.erotica 189
alt.sex.erotica.teen 175
alt.pictures.erotica.teen.female 174
t-online.sonstiges 160
alt.sex.pictures.females 134
alt.sex.fetishes 129
alt.prowling-for-gay-sex 125
t-online.test 123
alt.siol 111
alt.sex.service 86
t-online.zugang.adsl 83
alt.sex.pictures.teen 83
alt.sex.telephone.alt.sex.wanted 79
alt.sex.teen 69
alt.sex.girl 69
TOTAL: 1070 12269

Unwanted distributions [Top 20]:

local 121
TOTAL: 1 121

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

rec.arts.movies.erotica 43
de.alt.fan.tabak 3
alt.sex.drew-hamilton 3
alt.sex.electrostim 3
alt.sex.spanking.adult 3
comp.lang.python.announce 1
rec.guns 1
rec.music.beatles.moderated 1
linux.debian.user 1
TOTAL: 9 59

Too many incoming connections (innd):

texta.sil.at 313
TOTAL: 1 313

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Article posted in the future
nobody-at-out.feeder.erje.net 173
feeders.tudelft.nl 58
feeder.news-service.com 19 8
nobody-out.newsfeed.netcologne.de 1
TOTAL: 5 259
Huge articles
feeders.tudelft.nl 1
TOTAL: 1 1
Including strange strings
news-out.glorb.com 452
nobody-at-out.feeder.erje.net 257
newsfeed.neva.ru 63
news.swapon.de 33
newsfeed.straub-nv.de 28
nobody-out.news.weretis.net 22
feeders.tudelft.nl 19
de-l.enfer-du-nord.net 9
feeder.news-service.com 8
news.albasani.net 6
TOTAL: 14 910
No colon-space in header
feeders.tudelft.nl 72
nobody-out.newsfeed.netcologne.de 39 5
nobody-at-out.feeder.erje.net 1
feeder.news-service.com 1
TOTAL: 5 118
TOTAL: 4 1288

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1trust.nobody.at 348414 150025 113968 26534 8 0 43%32:55:41
2news.netcologne.de 118820 30235 86012 138 0 0 25%12:00:00
3goblin.stu.neva.ru 236803 4287 180044 9094 0 2 1%31:45:45
4texta.sil.at 282930 1132 210372 1646 0 3 0%32:28:05
5reflex.at 1049 1029 13 7 0 6 98%23:54:53
6motzarella 201627 967 142122 10239 14 7791 0%24:00:21
7tudelft.nl 201642 483 185467 21 0 0 0%32:36:16
8news-in.glorb.com 191095 343 137672 126 0 2 0%30:57:51
9news.albasani.net 218263 221 189290 7509 1 221 0%30:55:58
10feeder.news-service.com 270102 205 250170 17 0 211 0%32:50:40
11weretis.net 231795 134 197188 86 0 0 0%32:05:43
12enfer-du-nord.net 212865 55 200432 83 0 0 0%33:03:23
13feeder.erje.net 144151 49 137877 11 0 0 0%33:55:41
14newsfeed.straub-nv.de 231500 41 204309 129 0 1 0%34:42:25
15news.swapon.de 10435 18 9674 28 0 0 0%33:38:37
TOTAL: 152901491 1892242244610 55668 23 299818 6%484:47:00

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1news.netcologne.de10.2 GB413.6 KB10.2 GB246.7 KB/s350.9 KB12:00:00
2trust.nobody.at6.4 GB238.1 MB6.6 GB58.4 KB/s39.2 KB32:55:41
3goblin.stu.neva.ru115.5 MB207.4 MB322.9 MB2.9 KB/s24.7 KB31:45:45
4news-in.glorb.com25.0 MB4.5 MB29.5 MB0.3 KB/s64.5 KB30:57:51
5texta.sil.at12.5 MB22.0 MB34.6 MB0.3 KB/s12.7 KB32:28:05
6tudelft.nl4.6 MB32.4 KB4.7 MB0.0 KB/s9.5 KB32:36:16
7motzarella3.7 MB823.9 MB827.7 MB9.8 KB/s75.6 KB24:00:21
8reflex.at2.2 MB206.9 KB2.4 MB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:54:53
9news.albasani.net849.6 KB1.1 GB1.1 GB10.6 KB/s152.2 KB30:55:58
10weretis.net721.8 KB959.4 KB1.6 MB0.0 KB/s7.6 KB32:05:43
11feeder.news-service.com549.5 KB625.5 KB1.1 MB0.0 KB/s5.3 KB32:50:40
12newsfeed.straub-nv.de84.9 KB238.5 KB323.3 KB0.0 KB/s1.9 KB34:42:25
13enfer-du-nord.net83.3 KB301.4 KB384.6 KB0.0 KB/s2.8 KB33:03:23
14feeder.erje.net67.7 KB40.0 KB107.7 KB0.0 KB/s1.8 KB33:55:41
15news.swapon.de36.6 KB54.6 KB91.2 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB33:38:37
TOTAL: 1516.7 GB2.4 GB19.1 GB11.5 KB/s81.7 KB484:47:00

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

newsfeed-fusi2.netcologne.de 0.336 0.114 0.00000:00:00
p50992cbf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 0.064 0.011 0.00000:00:00
TOTAL: 2 0.400 0.125 0.00000:00:00

NNRP no permission clients:

newsfeed-fusi2.netcologne.de 5
p50992cbf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1
TOTAL: 2 6

innreport 3.0.2 (c) 1996-1999 by Fabien Tassin <fta@sofaraway.org>.
Local contact: news@mediainvent.com